Return home
On the morning of May 23rd, I found myself waking up at the early hour of 3 AM. I was staying at my brother's apartment in Novi Beograd. I was grateful I had managed to get a decent 3 ½ hours of sleep. My brother, on the other hand, hadn't slept at all, as he wanted to ensure he was ready to accompany me to the airport and bid me farewell there.
Our cousin had kindly agreed to drive us to the airport, and promptly at 3:30 AM, we were on our way. The short 15-minute journey took us to the airport, where I was the only passenger in sight. I had arrived very early for my flight, which was scheduled to depart at 6:15 AM and take me to Frankfurt. The solitude at the airport was an unusual experience, but it gave me ample time to reflect and gather my thoughts before the long journey ahead.
Upon reaching Frankfurt, I was facing a three-hour layover before catching my connecting flight to Las Vegas. The flight itself turned out to be quite lengthy, spanning nearly twelve hours, which felt never-ending. Despite my efforts, sleep evaded me throughout the journey, leaving me weary despite the entertainment consisting of four movies and excellent service by flight attendants.

Finally, we touched down in Las Vegas at 2:30 PM local time, which equated to almost midnight back in Serbia. My wife had been in Las Vegas for the past two weeks, spending time with her parents while I enjoyed my own adventures in Serbia. The plan for the next day was to embark on a 5 ½-hour drive back to our home in Cottonwood, Arizona. However, my body hadn't fully adjusted to the time difference, and I hadn't properly warmed up before I started packing our belongings into the car trunk.
Unfortunately, my lack of rest and preparation took a toll on my back, resulting in an injury. Despite the discomfort, I soldiered on and took up the task of driving the entire way back to Cottonwood. It was a challenging journey, but I managed to complete it.
Back to work
The following two days, Thursday and Friday, were fully booked with appointments as I had scheduled 23 patients. However, I began to feel increasingly unwell. The severe jetlag, combined with the escalating pain in my back, made the situation even more challenging. Against the odds, I pushed through and attended to all my patients, but not without a cost.
By yesterday, the pain had become so severe that I contemplated a trip to the emergency room. Thankfully, after taking ibuprofen, the pain became tolerable, providing some relief. However, my sleep pattern remained disrupted, and last night I experienced intense chills until 1:30 AM, which prevented me from finding proper rest. When sleep finally came, it was fitful and disturbed. It seemed that my subconscious mind was processing the events of my time in Serbia, manifesting as nightmarish dreams throughout the night. Perhaps my psyche needed more time to organize and make sense of everything I had experienced.
Reflecting on my journey, my wife remarked that I had prepared meticulously for the trip itself but had neglected to make adequate preparations for my return. It was a lesson learned, and I resolved to be better prepared in the future.
As I write this part of the text on Saturday, I can't help but feel like I'm falling apart. My body is weary, and I'm in need of rest and recovery. Today, I plan to prioritize self-care and give my body the chance to recuperate from the physical and mental strain I have endured.
At the suggestion of my wife, I decided to take a COVID-19 test, which confirmed that I had contracted the virus. As the day went by, my symptoms began to intensify. Fatigue crept in, draining me of energy. The fever became more persistent leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable. The nights were particularly challenging due to a lack of sleep, chills, and sore throat. Sleep has become so elusive, further exacerbating my fatigue and leaving me in a state of constant exhaustion.
I was filled with apprehension and worry, consumed by the thought that I may have unknowingly transmitted the virus to my wife and her parents. I suspected I had contracted the virus on my return trip from Serbia, likely during my time spent in airplanes or while navigating through bustling airports. My fears were gradually assuaged as my wife’s test results came back negative, and her parents remained well.
In these trying times, the support of my wife was invaluable. She tended to my needs and provided emotional comfort. As I faced the reality of my COVID-19 diagnosis and grappled with the escalating symptoms, I reminded myself to stay strong and focused on recovery. When I reached out to my friend Tony, he proved to be an incredible source of support. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, assembling a thoughtful care package tailored to my needs. Inside, he included the perfect combination of medications and immune boosters, demonstrating his attentiveness and concern for my well-being.
As I journeyed through the challenging days of illness, it was on the fifth day that a significant shift occurred. The fever, which had plagued me for days, suddenly receded, leaving my night clothes soaked in sweat. The drenched fabric served as a symbol of the fever's departure, a tangible sign of my body purging itself of the ailment that had held me captive. The physical manifestation of my body's fight against the illness was a reassuring reminder that I was on the path to recovery.
Today, I experienced a remarkable alleviation of the persistent brain fog that had been clouding my mind. As a result, I found myself able to engage in various activities with renewed vigor and clarity. I joyfully immersed myself in writing, relishing the ability to express my thoughts and ideas once again. Additionally, I engaged in conversations with my daughters and informed them about my illness. They were not aware of my state of health because I desired to spare them unnecessary distress until I was confident that I was well on the path to recovery.

Furthermore, today held a special significance as it marked the anniversary of my mother's passing. I felt a sense of duty and devotion to honor her memory. I spent moments of reflection, reminiscing about the cherished times we shared and the unconditional love she imparted to me. While the grief of her loss remains, I found solace in remembering her legacy and love.
In light of these meaningful experiences, an overwhelming sense of gratitude enveloped me, permeating every fiber of my being. I couldn't help but feel an immense appreciation for the simple joys of being alive and actively participating in life's endeavors. The world around me seemed more vibrant, and I reveled in the beauty and miracle of existence itself.
Back at the beginning
Despite the misery caused by my illness, I couldn't resist the urge to write and, in this way, share the memorable experience of my journey. The moment I set foot in Serbia for my highly anticipated 50th high school reunion, my energy surged to new heights. It felt like riding on waves of excitement, knowing that I was back in this country of my youth to celebrate such a significant milestone in my life.

Arriving on May 10, I had a precious window of time to acclimate myself to the surroundings and prepare for the grand celebration scheduled for May 13. Those few days allowed me to immerse myself in the vibrant atmosphere and reconnect with the rich culture and traditions that had shaped my formative years.
As I navigated the streets of Pančevo, a sense of nostalgia enveloped me, intermingled with the anticipation of reuniting with classmates from decades past. The familiar sights and sounds evoked a flood of memories, and I couldn't help but reflect on the transformative journey that had brought me to this point.
The days leading up to the reunion were filled with a whirlwind of emotions. I eagerly reacquainted myself with the local customs.
As the momentous day approached, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. I could sense the excitement building as classmates from far and wide gathered in anticipation of a night filled with laughter, reminiscence, and heartfelt connections.
The air was abuzz with stories of triumphs, challenges, and shared experiences, all woven together to form the fabric of our collective existence.
When the day finally arrived, I stepped into the venue adorned with nostalgic emotions, instantly transporting me back to the cherished memories of our high school days. Warm embraces and greetings filled the room as old friends met again, their faces etched with the lines of time, but their spirits forever young.
The evening unfolded in a symphony of laughter and joy, as we relived the anecdotes that had woven our lives together all those years ago. The passage of time seemed irrelevant as we laughed, shared stories, and marveled at the incredible individuals we had become.

This occasion had not only been about reconnecting with high school friends but also about reconnecting with me. It served as a poignant reminder of the power of shared experiences and the lasting impact they can have on shaping our identities. The reunion was a testament to the bonds forged in our youth and their resilience in withstanding the test of time.
As the celebration drew to a close, bittersweet emotions washed over me. The celebration had exceeded my expectations, reigniting a flame of friendship and camaraderie that I will forever carry with me. Departing Serbia, I left with a renewed appreciation for the country that had played such a pivotal role in shaping the person I had become.
Reflecting on this memorable trip I feel deep gratitude for the opportunity to relive the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future. The 50th high school reunion in Pančevo was a unique occasion for us to gather, reconnect and revive the bonds that had lasted for years. That evening, filled with emotions, laughter, and conversations, was infused with warmth and joy that only intensified as our memories of our youth and shared adventures intertwined.
Despite the passage of time and the divergent paths we had taken in life, our connection had not weakened. On the contrary, we discovered that feelings of mutual respect, support, and connection remained unchanged. It was as if we had traveled back in time when we were fearless young individuals ready to conquer the world, but now with the added knowledge and experience that life had brought us. As we laughed while reminiscing about past mischief and shared our achievements and dreams for the future, we realized how fortunate we were to have the opportunity to reunite and celebrate this special milestone gathering.
This reunion not only marked our past but also served as a reminder of how important it is to nurture friendships and maintain connections with the people who were part of our life journey. Regardless of where life takes us, we know that we will always have this special bond and support from one another. In the end, this trip to Serbia for this special occasion was not just a rekindling of memories and a celebration of the past; it is also an opportunity to embrace and look forward to the future.

What a remarkable story tata! You are full of gratitude and presence throughout these shifts you have been having. I’m so happy you got to go to Serbia 🇷🇸 and reconnect with the past as well as yourself in a deeper way. You are a strong person who is able to fight off anything including COVID, I’m so glad the worst is behind you now. I love you ❤️ Iva