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My day started at 4 AM like it usually does. I had a good six-hour sleep and woke up with a sense of vitality. After drinking black tea and eating fruits with cashew yogurt I was fully alert and ready for writing, reading, and other morning activities. Around 6:30 AM it was time to wake up Tina, my life partner, so we could get ready to meditate like we usually do in the morning. We still had some time, so we took a few minutes to talk and enjoy each other's company. We like doing that in the early hours of the day. During our conversation, Tina, ever attuned to the subtle nuances of her body energy, inquired about my energy state. In response to her query, I offered a simple answer, stating, "I feel good." Tina, with her perceptive nature, sensed that something changed within her when I joined her in bed. As a result, she was curious to further explore how our energies were connected. I couldn’t offer her any more details other than the fact that I felt physically and mentally well, refreshed after a good night's sleep.

That was not enough for Tina. Her aspiration for comparison and discernment prompted her to ask me to recall a fun memory. As I reminisced in my mind, my thoughts meandered back to the days of my youth, a period filled with happy memories. However, they didn't stay there for long; instead, they moved to a particular recollection of when I spontaneously ran naked in a forest clearing—an incredibly freeing and exhilarating moment. Dashing barefoot across the grass brought a wonderful sense of liberation. The touch of the breeze against my skin ignited a tickle in every part of my body. A wide smile decorated my face, and suddenly loud laughter erupted from the depths of my chest. I felt as if I was flying, free to embrace the gift of life. The worries of everyday life were momentarily suspended. I was celebrating a raw and unfiltered connection with nature.

Before sharing this memory with Tina, she reported that she detected the difference in her bodily sensations while also observing a switch in my energetic state. Encouraged by her response, I decided to share the details of this memory that, until then, had remained in my inner mental space. First, I provided a brief backstory. I was twenty years old at the time and resided in an apartment building near a river, with a rowing club located on the opposite side. No other structures existed there, only the vastness of the forest rarely visited by humans. To reach the other side, one had to cross the river by boat, operated by a designated person. On a particular day, I crossed the river and decided to explore the forest behind the rowing club. In the process, I stumbled upon a secluded spot off the beaten path, where, on the spur of the moment, I took off my clothes and experienced the exultation of running naked, as I have previously described, but again recounted for Tina.

Tina was thrilled by the story, as in her mind, such an act was unimaginable. She realized the fun and liberating nature of the experience. During our meditation session, when prompted to share an exciting time in our lives, I briefly mentioned the earlier running naked memory without going into specific details. However, Tina enthusiastically retold the entire story of my naked escapade in the middle of the forest. This brought joy and laughter to the other members of our online meditation group. Our group leader even suggested that Tina and I visit Wisconsin where she lives during the summer because there is a secluded forest where we could reenact this experience together.

This particular recollection wouldn’t leave my mind. It continued to linger persistently in my thoughts. Rather than fading away, it sparked a curiosity about the possibility of further conversation on the act of running naked. It made me ponder whether this experience was merely a personally resonant event or if others had also discovered the thrill of freeing the body from the constraints and conventions of clothing. Motivated by this newfound interest, I positioned myself in front of the computer to research the literature on this very subject.

Academic literature does not extensively discuss the topic of running naked unless the term "naked" is used metaphorically to refer to running without the use of modern technologies. On the other hand, in magazines and newspapers, one can find a bit more information about running naked, encompassing cultural and historical connotations, as well as the physiological and psychological benefits associated with it. Additionally, some clubs and organizations actively promote and engage in naked running. While conducting my search, I found that the prevailing societal attitude towards the naked body tends to associate it with shame or impropriety, leading to significant legal consequences.  

Yet, running naked has cultural and historical significance in certain contexts. For instance, in ancient Greece, nudity was a common practice during athletic events, celebrating the beauty and athleticism of the human body. Today, there are still events and gatherings where participants engage in naked running as a means of promoting body positivity, personal freedom, and a closer connection with nature.

Physiologically, naked running can improve muscle functioning. Without clothes, muscles have more freedom to engage in their full range of motion. This can lead to better muscle development and coordination which can improve balance and agility, making naked running a beneficial practice for athletes and recreational runners alike.

I have friends and acquaintances who have chosen a unique way to connect with nature. Instead of running naked, they prefer to walk barefoot, not only to experience the direct touch of the Earth but also to tap into its energies. This practice of walking barefoot heightens their sensitivity and nurtures a deeper connection with the environment, resulting in an increased sense of awareness and presence. For these individuals, walking barefoot is more than just a physical act; it is a spiritual and mindful practice. They believe that by allowing their feet to make direct contact with the Earth, they can absorb its energy and vibrations. They perceive the Earth as a living entity, imbued with vitality and healing properties, and see themselves as an integral part of this interconnected web of life.

From a psychological standpoint, naked running can have a positive impact on self-confidence and body image. Society often fosters body shaming, leading many individuals to feel self-conscious about their bodies. Engaging in naked running provides an opportunity to challenge and overcome these negative perceptions. By embracing and accepting their bodies in their natural state, runners can cultivate a more positive body image and develop a sense of self-acceptance and self-love. This can have far-reaching effects on overall mental well-being and promote a healthier relationship with one's body.

I recently had the opportunity to read a draft of my friend's book, and within its opening pages, I encountered a portrayal of the main protagonist while gazing at her unattractive body in the mirror, a sight that instilled a sense of revulsion and even triggered a physical reaction of nausea in her. However, as the narrative unfolded, it became clear that this moment was one in a series of many significant events that ultimately led to her transformation into self-acceptance and the discovery of the true purpose of her life. She transitioned from a sedentary lifestyle to one characterized by physical activity and self-exploration. She found peace and liberation through naked swimming in the nearby lake. This seemingly unconventional choice allowed her to release not only the physical layers of her body but also the emotional and psychological barriers that had long confined her. Engaging in physical labor and immersing herself in the freedom of the water, she gradually discovered the joy of movement and the empowering sensation of being fully present and grounded in her body. Through these experiences, she began to embrace her imperfections, recognizing that they were integral parts of her uniqueness.

Running naked can also lead to a state of vulnerability. It requires individuals to step outside their comfort zones, confront societal norms, and embrace their authentic selves. This bravery not only brings about a sense of liberation within the confines of one's own body, but also has a ripple effect out to various facets of life, promoting courage, authenticity, and freedom of expression.

I experienced something like this not only running naked in the forest but also during my visits to the nudist beaches along the Adriatic Coast in Yugoslavia. In these beautiful settings, swimming in the nude was a liberating experience made even more enjoyable by the presence of a nudist community. The 1970s in Europe were a time of greater acceptance and tolerance towards nudity, allowing individuals like me to embrace this lifestyle without fear of judgment or condemnation.

However, when I came to the United States it became apparent to me that the same level of acceptance did not extend here. My wife, for instance, grew up in a small midwestern town where religion and a deeply ingrained Puritanical ethos held precedence. In this environment, the naked body was often regarded as the devil’s playground. The prevailing mindset dictated that the human form should be hidden away, covered, and concealed because it was inherently sinful or shameful.

This contrast between the more liberal attitudes I encountered in Europe and the conservative beliefs prevalent in my wife's hometown is a testimony to the influence of cultural and religious values on our perception of nudity. While I reveled in the freedom and acceptance I experienced among fellow nudists, my wife grappled with a community that viewed nudity through a lens of judgment and moral admonishment. No wonder her reaction to hearing my memory of running naked in the forest was so different from her own experiences during the same period; she couldn't even fathom imagining herself doing it.

These disparities, rooted in differing cultural and religious backgrounds, highlight the complex nature of human attitudes toward the naked body. They serve as a reminder that our perception of nudity is deeply intertwined with the values and beliefs we inherit from our society and upbringing. It is a testament to the diversity of human experiences and the power of cultural context to shape our understanding of something as inherently natural and innocuous as the naked human body.


Simone Leon
Simone Leon
Mar 06, 2024

I love this. You spoke a lot of truths and feelings that often go unsaid. I thought it was interesting how you compared the more Puritanical American ethos to that of European liberation. Wonderful.


Unknown member
Feb 12, 2024

Thank you for sharing this memory that you never shared with me in the past. I can relate to the freedom of nudity in nature. I would often go swimming at night in Venice beach finding it very liberating! Maybe I get it from you haha!


©2022 by Zelko Leon

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