I celebrated the summer solstice in many ways this year. First of all, on June 20—the longest day of the year in 2024—I made sure to welcome the rising sun. I captured the moment with a brief video and a few photographs, which I later posted on Facebook. This was my way of acknowledging this special day that radiates the most intense sun energy because of the extended daylight.

My daughter Iva, always keen on celestial astrological events, reminded me that this year’s summer solstice coincided with a full moon, also known as the "Strawberry Moon." It is a rare occurrence when the longest day of the year aligns with a full moon, adding an extra layer of energy to the day. In the early evening, as the sky began to darken, I made sure to photograph the moon, capturing its luminous presence.
Online Event with Master Mingtong
The second aspect of my celebration was related to the Wisdom Healing Qigong teachings of Master Mingtong. He organized a special online event on June 20th to acknowledge the summer solstice. Master Mingtong spoke about the significance of the solstice as a time of renewal and balance, encouraging us to harness this energy for personal and collective healing. We practiced specific qigong movements that help circulate and balance energy throughout the body. Participants from around the world joined in a shared intention of peace and healing. The sense of interconnectedness was felt, and I left the session feeling both grounded and uplifted.
Midsummer Time
Finally, on June 21, I joined a celebration with the Tribe Wellness group. This gathering was a wonderful way to connect with others and continue the solstice festivities, sharing in the collective joy and energy of this significant time of year.
The summer solstice, also known as midsummer or Litha, marks the time when the Earth's tilt toward the sun is at its maximum. This event happens twice a year, once in each hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, it typically occurs around June 20th or 21st, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it takes place around December 21st or 22nd.
During the summer solstice, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Throughout history, various cultures have celebrated this astronomical event with unique traditions and spiritual practices. Typically, the summer solstice is marked by a deep connection to nature, the honoring of the sun's life-giving energy, and a sense of community and gratitude (1).
Tribe Wellness Celebration
I didn’t sleep well last night. The high energy coursing through my body made me restless, and I attribute it to the intense vibrational energy from the summer solstice and the full moon we celebrated on June 21st at Sugar Loaf Trail in Sedona. The landscape of Sedona, with its striking red rock formations and expansive vistas, always feels like a sacred space. This gathering, initiated by the owner of Tribe Wellness Clinic, encouraged us to bring something meaningful and symbolic to connect with the environment and each other.
It was 6 p.m., and despite the late hour, the heat was still palpable. We started to gather gradually. In the end, there were five of us in attendance. Each of us was excited about the event, the location, and the intentions we had set. We hadn’t planned out the specifics of how the event would unfold, but none of us were bothered by that. Our primary intention was to connect and balance the energy within ourselves and in the world. We began by forming a circle, grounding ourselves. The heat of the day was still intense, but as the sun began to go lower, a cooler, more comfortable atmosphere was felt.

One of our group members brought rocks from Colorado called Moqui Marbles or Balls that according to the legend came up out of the ground on the full moon, symbolizing male and female energies. They are traditionally used by Native American shamans for healing and ceremonies. We each held these rocks in our hands and repeated intentions in our own ways, adding words to invoke a deeper connection to the Earth.
We played inspiring music and honored the sun and moon, feeling the ancient rhythms and energies flowing through us. As I swayed gently to the music, I felt a sense of timelessness, as if we were tapping into the ritual practiced by countless generations before us.
In this sacred space, we each took turns drawing a tarot card from a beautifully illustrated deck. When it was my turn, I drew the Devil's Play card. I felt a deep resonance with what it represented for me; a playful, transformative energy, urging me to explore the unknown aspects of myself and to embrace change with curiosity and courage. I spoke about how, as a psychiatrist about to retire, I was to initiate a new stage in my life—one that involved shedding old identities and stepping into a more expansive state of consciousness.

The following day, I received an explanation for the Devil’s Play card. Essentially, the card signifies living life to the fullest and with joy. It encourages celebrating creative energy, embodying an irrepressible sense of humor and playfulness, as well as originality and vitality. It suggests disrupting the status quo and acting spontaneously, understanding that these actions will cause upheaval but also lead to a new awakening. Thus, the term “devil’s advocate” refers to considering perspectives that diverge from convention and traditional beliefs.
The conversation among the Tribe Wellness group continued to flow naturally, with each person sharing their insights and experiences. There was a sense of mutual support and understanding, a recognition that we were all on individual yet interconnected paths. As the final rays of sunlight disappeared behind the horizon, we stood together acknowledging the power of the solstice and the full moon. It reinforced the importance of community, ritual, intention, and connection to the natural world.
All in all, it was a pleasant two hours we spent together, filled with meaningful interactions and a sense of communal purpose. We took a group selfie to capture the moment, and then we parted ways, each feeling a little more connected to the universe and to each other.

I feel a sense of gratitude, a surge of vitality, a sense of unity, and a radiant inner light that seems to shine with an intensity capable of illuminating my entire being. This radiant force not only empowers me but also gives me a sense of purpose, motivating me to deepen my connection with myself, with those around me, and with the natural world—from the earth beneath my feet to the sky above.
The summer solstice, with its long days and abundant light, symbolizes this deep and harmonious connection. It serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the opportunities for renewal and growth. As I reflect on this special time, I feel a strong commitment to continue celebrating the solstice in the years to come. This celebration will be a time to honor the relationships that sustain me, the beauty of our planet, and the cosmic energy that connects us all.
I like the diary entry of this post. It makes sense now that the solstice time this year was very energetic and intense, and that was an experience shared by you. I was barely able to sleep on the solstice or the days surrounding it, and I think that was why.